
Soil fertility can be defined as the ability of the soil to meet the necessary plant nutrients enough for the plant growth in suitable ratios. It is a must to run soil fertility analysis prior to sowing and planting in order to achieve a sustainable fertility by preparing a program in accordance with the needs and the growth media of the crops. According to the results of soil fertility analyses and the needs of the plants, fertilization programs are prepared in our Center. 2 kilograms of soil sample is required for the analyses.

Soil Fertility AnalysesAnalysis Method
Saturation (%)Tüzüner, 1990
Total Salt(%)Tüzüner, 1990
pH (in Saturated Soil)Tüzüner, 1990
Plant available Phosphorus in Soil (P2O5 kg/da)

Olsen Method – Tüzünr, 1990

Bingam Method – Kaçar, 2009

Plant available Potassium in Soil (K2O kg/da)Tüzüner, 1990
Clay (% CaCO3)Scheibler Calcimeter
Organic Matter(%)Walkley-Black Method
Total Nitrogen  (% N)Micro Kjeldahl  Method
Total Nitrogen (% N)Dumas Method
Available Microelements (Fe,Cu.Zn,Mn) (ppm)DTPA Extraction / ICP-OES
Available Boron (B)Hot Water Extraction

Standard Soil Fertility Analysis (Package 1)

(Saturation, Salt, pH, Clay, Phosphorus, Potassium, Organic Matter)

Standard Soil Fertility Analysis (Package 2)

(Saturation, Salt, pH, Clay, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Organic Matter)

Soil Fertility Analysis (Package 3)

(Saturation, Salt, pH, Clay, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Organic Matter)

Soil Fertility Analysis (Package 4)

(Saturation, Salt, pH, Clay, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Organic Matter, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc).

Total Heavy Metal AnalysisWet Digestion in Microwave/ ICP OES Method
Heavy Metal Analysis (in extracted sample)ICP OES
​Preparing Sample by Microwave Digestion System
CEM/ Mars 6 / Kaçar ve İnal, 2008

* Each sample must have legible label defining the sample.

IARTC's Laboratory carries on its activities to understand the soil physical properties and solve problems in cultivation by determining the relationships between soil fertility, irrigation, land reclamation and these properties. Samples for the research activities in our Center and from farmers, private and other public institutions are analyzed. 2 kilograms of soil sample is required for the soil physics analyses.

Soil Physics AnalysesAnalysis Method

Standard Soil Physics Analyses (Package 5)

Structure (Bouyoucus), Field capacity, Wilting Point and Bulk Density

Tüzüner, 1990
Moisture (%)Tüzüner, 1990
Structure (% sand, % clay, % silt)Bouyoucus Method-Tüzüner, 1990
Field capacity (%)Tüzüner, 1990
Wilting Point (%)Tüzüner, 1990
Bulk Density (gr/cm3)Tüzüner, 1990
Specific Gravity (gr/cm3)Tüzüner, 1990
Total Porosity (%)Tüzüner, 1990
Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/h)Tüzüner, 1990
Structure StabilityTüzüner, 1990

* Each sample must have legible label defining the sample.

Some of the important factors which impairs soil fertility partly or entirely are soil salinity, excessive sodium and boron. In high concentrations, the toxic effects of these elements on the plants and also the soil physical and chemical properties can cause problems in cultivation. In order to remove these effects it is necessary to evaluate and interpret the results of soil salinity-alkalinity analyses. Samples for the research activities in our Center and from farmers, private and other public institutions are analyzed. 2 kilograms of soil sample is required for the soil salinity-alkalinity analyses.

For plant foliar analyses, at least 100-200 leaves are required. Samples for the research activities in our Center and from farmers, private and other public institutions are analyzed.

Plant AnalysesAnalysis Method
Total Nitrogen (N)(Kjeldahl)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Nitrogen (N)(Dumas)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Standard Leaf Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N)
Total Phosphorus (P)
Total Potassium (K)
Total Calcium (Ca)
Total Magnesium (Mg)
Total Iron (Fe)
Total Copper (Cu)
Total Zinc (Zn)
Total Manganese (Mn)

Kaçar ve İnal, 2008


Total Boron (B)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Cadmium (Cd)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Chromium (Cr)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Lead (Pb)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Nickel (Ni)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Total Cobalt (Co)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Moisture (%), Wet Weight (g), Dry Weight (g)Kaçar ve İnal, 2008
Preparing Sample by Microwave Digestion SystemCEM/ Mars 6 / Kaçar ve İnal, 2008

* Each sample must have legible label defining the sample itself.

Irrigation water contains a significant, however relatively low, amount of dissolved compounds. It depends on the type and the amount of the salt content in the water that it is suitable for irrigation or not. If the water quality is low, there can be problems in the soil, plant or irrigation system. At least 1 liter of water sample is required for irrigation water analyses.

Irrigation Water AnalysesAnalysis Method

Electrical Conductivity (dS/m)Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
pHRichards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Calcium (Ca)ICP-OES, Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Magnesium (Mg)ICP-OES, Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Total Hardness (Ca + Mg)ICP-OES, Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Sodium (Na)ICP-OES, Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Potassium (K)ICP-OES, Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Carbonate (CO3Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Bicarbonate (HCO3)Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Chlorine(Cl)Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Sulphate (SO4)Richards, 1954 / Tüzüner, 1990
Boron(ppm)ICP OES

Trace Elements-1

Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn


Trace Elements -2

Cr, Cd, Co, Pb, Mo


Standard Irrigation Water Analysis

(pH, EC, Ca, Ca+Mg, Na, K, B, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4)

*Each sample must have legible label defining the sample itself.

Plants cannot directly benefit from the nitrogen in the air. Legumes fix the nitrogen into a form from which the plants can benefit. This occurs in special root organs called nodules. Legumes cannot fix nitrogen without forming nodules. This process depends on the nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil. If these bacteria are not present in a certain media, it is a must to add. This amendment called bacteria inoculation increases yield.

In order to promote nitrogen fixation abilities of legumes, rhizobium inoculant prepared in laboratory conditions is spread onto legume seeds. To spread adequately, inoculant amount must be sufficient. For a successful inoculation, 2 kilograms of inoculant is required for 100 kilograms of small legume seeds, 1 kilogram of inoculant is required for 100 kilograms of large legume seeds. 

Rhizobium Inoculant :

Plant Species
Alfalfa– Soybean – Common Vetch – Broad Bean – Chickpea – Bean

* Production is based on the order. Delivery time is 1 (one) month.


Samples must be shipped /delivered original package; unopened plastic bottle, glass bottle or original ziplock bag. Minimum required sample for analysis is ½ kg.

Organic Fertilizer Analyses
Standard Organic Material Analyses (13 Analyses) (Moisture, Loss on ignition LOI, pH, EC, Total N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu)
pH (20OC)**
Moisture (%)
Determination of Organic Matter (Loss on Ignition)
Total Nitrogen (%) (Dumas)


Chemical Fertilizer Analyses
pH (20oC) **
Moisture (%)
Determination of Organic Matter (Loss on Ignition)
Total Nitrogen (%)(Dumas)
Total (Ammoniacal + Nitric) Nitrogen (%) (Applicable to Ammoniacal and Nitrate Fertilizer) **
Determination of Ammoniacal Nitrogen (%) **
Determination of Nitric Nitrogen (%) **
Nitrogen Determination In Urea (%) **
Total Phosphorus (P2O5 %)
Water-Soluble Phosphorus (P2O5 %)
Citrate-Soluble Phosphorus (P2O5 %)
Acid-Soluble Phosphorus (P2O5 %)
Water-Soluble Potassium (K2O %)

* Each sample must have legible label defining the sample itself. 

** Accredited Analysis.