Our Tasks

Regional Tasks​​

Conserving of genetic stock ​
Developing source material ​
Agronomy ​
Plant protection​
Evaluating and developing of quality of cotton farmers​
Training and publication activities on socio-economic issues. ​
Take part in production of relevant varieties of seeds  (wheat, maize, sunflower, etc…) in collaboration with other institutes.​

National Tasks
Collect and evaluate data on cotton in national scale,​
Coordinate cotton researches nationally, 
Prepare, coordinate and carry out projects on cotton, ​
Organize training programs, ​
Participate in national studies on conserving, evaluating and using of natural sources including genetic and bio-diversity sources, ​
Conduct socio-economic researches on cotton, ​
Improve laboratory facilities and infrastructure and enable other organizations  to use of these facilities, 
Exchange material with other  institutes working on similar topics provided that they have been projected. ​

International Tasks
Nazilli Cotton Research Institute have been selected as one of the Centre of Excellences by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation since 2007​

We organize training programs with SESRIC and Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Turkish Cooperation and Coordination  Agency. ​