Tarm Beyazı-98

Hungarian Vetch


Registered Year:  1998


The Owner Institute of Variety: Central Research Institute for the Field Crops 


Morphological Characters:

Main stem length is 40-80 cm. Flowers are white in color. Flower raceme is 13-17 mm length.  Seed is round-shaped elipsoid, and its surface color is in black mottled and point. Thousand grain weight is 35-50 gram.


Agricultural Characters:

It’s winter-hardy and drought resistant. It’s grown alone and in a mixture with cereals (especially barley) for hay and sillage production.


Yield Characters:

The yields of hay and seed are 75- 150 kg da-1 and 200-400 kg da-1, respectively.


Technological Characters:

Hay and herbage quality is high. 


Disease and Pets Status:

It’s to resistance to powdery mildew and leaf spot. 


Recomended Area:

This variety is a winter crop for Central Anatolia Region and similar areas.